
Category: Gap year

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Discovering the Allure of Santorini and Caveland Hostel

Collaborations, Gap year, Solo Backpacking

Nestled in the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea, Santorini beckons travellers from across the globe with its captivating beauty and rich cultural tapestry.

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Volunteering in Thailand

Gap year, Solo Backpacking, Volunteer Stories, Volunteering In Hostels

Volunteering at Wet hostel by Wild and Wandering in Koh Phangan, Thailand was an unforgettable experience. The hostel was located on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan, known for its full moon parties.

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Volunteering in Greece

Gap year, Solo Backpacking, Volunteer Stories, Volunteering In Hostels

My time volunteering at Matala Hostel in Crete was an experience I will never forget. I found the opportunity through a new hostel volunteer exchange platform called Laulima Travels and I am so glad I did.

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Volunteering in Croatia

Gap year, Solo Backpacking, Volunteer Stories, Volunteering In Hostels

I heard about a hostel on the island of Hvar that was looking for volunteers to help with their reception and bar crawls, and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture and make some new friends.

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Exploring the Benefits of Taking an Adult Gap Year

Gap year, Volunteering In Hostels

More and more people are taking a year off to travel, learn new skills, or simply take a break from the daily grind, and the benefits are endless.

Are you ready to travel the world?

Join our community of volunteers. Trade your skills for stays in some of the best hostels in the world.